Delicatessen Design

Gourmet store

Delicatessen Design

AK-DU Dairy Products


AK-DU Gourmet Store is a delicatessen store based at Izmir, the coolest neighborhood in the country of Turkey. This project is headed by us with a huge passion for diversity, individuality and freedom of expression.

AK-DU is one of the Turkey’s largest dairy brands. They wanted a gourmet delicatessen design. First we explored the space.

We examined the corporate identity of the brand. We understand the values of the brand.

Then we combined the gourmet concept with the AK-DU’s brand concept.

We did a simple but yet effective design with a custom details.

Store concept

Deniz Aydogmus are the brain behind this multidisciplinary studio. She truly understand what design is and use it as a tool to generate bold and vibrant solutions for brands, projects and people.

We like an interior that defies labeling. We don’t really want someone to walk into a store and know that we did it.




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